Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Why is Starbucks Free WIFI blocking Internet access to certain websites?

Students love going to Starbucks Coffee Company because of the Free WIFI, and I, being a student, love Starbucks for drinking coffee, meeting with friends, and using my laptop for the "FREE" internet. I've been to at least a dozen of Starbucks in different locations in Southern California, such as Los Angeles, Riverside, and Orange County. Sometimes, if I'm not studying, I'm checking my email, sports scores, but mostly the news.

One day I decided to get a different point of view for the news, I mean different view from CNN and FOX. So I tried to access at a Starbucks Coffee location. And to my surprise the website was blocked. I tried a lot of different Starbucks locations, and guess what? is blocked and not accessible from any Starbucks locations in Southern California.

If you did not know what press TV is, it is a different point of view of international news. Their headquarters is located in Iran, which is a Muslim country. The network's primary vision is "to heed the voices and perspectives of the people of the world; build bridges of cultural understanding; encourage human beings of different nationalities, races and creeds to identify with one another; bring to light untold and overlooked stories of individuals who have experienced political and cultural divides firsthand"(PressTv).

Here are some screen shots

As you see at the bottom of the images, the computer was always connected to AT&T WIFI.

After I connect to AT&T WIFI, I try, and it loads normal.

Next, I try, and look what happens.

Finally, I use Hide My ASS, which is a free proxy to surf anonymously online, and it hides your IP address.
 And look what happens:

 There it is! so I guess the Server is found!

I don't want to jump to conclusions of why is forbidden from viewing at Starbucks Coffee Company, USA. So I'll open discussion here. Why do you think Starbucks is blocking


 ATT WIFI  is blocking Websites like PressTv, Because I was in Barnes & Noble this time and connected with AT&T WIFI, and it would not let me access


  1. An increasing number of people are beginning to take notice that AT&T/Starbucks are censoring the Press TV news site from their (not so) "Free WIFI" internet access in Starbuck's coffee shops. This is part of a much larger media effort in the build up for yet another war, of course, with Syria and Iran this time. The censorship campaign is obviously going be used to bolster the current propaganda (i.e. lies) by muffling Press TV's, and other independent news media agencies', response to the lies, and I believe it is the first major internet censorship case in history.

    FYI, up to now Press TV has been covering the Occupy movement extensively as well as other topics which are being shunned by mainstream corporate media, such as the recent story on the videos showing the U.S criminal corporation Blackwater (now Academi) driving over pedestrians in Baghdad and crashing into and shooting civilan vehicles deliberately for fun. has also been one of the only news sites which has exposed the so called "war in Syria" as nothing more than a Western/Israeli sponsored terrorist campaign, again started for the interests of supporting their 'Israel' and its continued rampage in the West Asia and middle east.

    Turn on the TV, whether you are watching the news or watching "David Letterman" (which last night had the perpetual liar Barbara Walters on as a guest, lying about Syria), or even listening to "liberal" radio, we are being bombarded by a massive propaganda campaign related to this censorship, and PressTV among other independent news sites like HispanTV, understandably, are being shut out of the Internet by AT&T-Starbucks among others, and now the UK government who is targeting Free press and media.

    I did a quick search for this online and some are now reporting that they tried to reach other "interesting" sites on the net from Starbuck's stores and they are being shut out from Ahmadinezhad's web site among other news sites in Iran in addition to PressTV's and HispanTV's web site.

    I believe this is the first major campaign to censor the internet and is the beginning of a much larger censorship and propaganda effort, the likes of which we only see on TV and Radio up to now, aimed at shutting out anyone that contradicts the lies that are continually being fed to us on every air wave, tv and radio show.

    I strongly encourage people to spread the word about this gradual takeover of control over the internet before it is too late - time is running out

  2. I'm guessing it's due to the politics of the owners of Starbucks...

  3. They are now blocking, a 2nd amendment site.

    Nice to know the coffee giant can now dictate our constitutional freedoms

  4. they are blocking i do not think it is a political site.

  5. nice post...
    for more latest tips and tricks about websites blocking please visit:
